Disabled Children Have Rights Too

Posted by Thomas MallonMay 04, 20160 Comments

Disabled Children Have Rights Too

Parenting a disabled child is an added responsibility that takes time, patience and financial security to meet extenuating needs such as paying bills and daily caregiving expenses.

The support of family and friends helps the mother and father afford the opportunity to endow their son or daughter's life with comfort and joy.

School districts nationwide have accommodated disabled youth of all ages. Yet, there is still room for improvement with wheelchair accessibility, classroom seating and available physical education. Accepting children with disabilities welcomes students to accept this student population as a normal part of their lives.

Although some schools attempt to avoid liability issues, a disabled child has the right to play on playgrounds, participate in sports and eat in mainstream lunch rooms. Children with special needs should receive added protection within public and private school systems to negate bullying by children who are not acclimated to these types of needs.

Ginger worked hard to ensure her son was accepted into college-level reading, math and science classes. Just because he sat in a wheelchair, did not mean his intellectual function was impaired.  The school accommodated Thomas with wheelchair accessibility within each class, which led to changes in handicap buttons on all school doors.

When Thomas wanted to try out for the junior varsity football cheerleading squad at first coaches were concerned about his ability to travel to out of state games. After Ginger pledged her full support and signed a non-liability statement, Thomas was allowed to board the team bus and support them with cheers.

Our law firm will represent the parents of disabled children to ensure they receive the best care and educational opportunities within public and private schools. The challenges parents face with school administrators and teachers will be addressed in a manner that will presents positive solutions that ensure a disabled child's rights are protected.

Children with autism and other emotional disabilities have experienced barriers in area sports such as football and basketball as well as family settings. To learn more about barriers disabled youth experience read the Huffington Post article Benched: Why We All Lose When Kids With Disabilities Are Shut Out Of Sports.

In some cases, overly protective parents should be reminded that their disabled child has rights. When individuals unfairly determine how a child's time is restricted as the result of a disability, the youth may never reach their full capacity as an adult.